Privacy Policy

WoWzer Technologies (the “Company,” “we,” “us,” “WoWzer” and “our”) is committed to treating your personal information with respect and sensitivity. This privacy policy (this “Privacy Policy”) explains how we may collect, store, use, and disclose information when you access or use (1) our website located at and all of our other websites to which this Privacy Policy is posted (collectively, the “Website”); (2) our mobile applications to which this Privacy Policy is posted (collectively, the “Application”); and (3) any services, content, and features made available by us through the Website or the Application (together with the Website and the Application, the “Services”).


By accessing or using the Services, you consent to our collection, storage, use, and disclosure of your information as described in this Privacy Policy. The provisions contained in this Privacy Policy supersede all prior notices and statements regarding our privacy practices with respect to the Services. If you do not agree to every provision of this Privacy Policy, you may not access or use the Services.


The Services are not directed, or intended to be attractive, to children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, do not use the Services or submit any information to us. If we learn we have collected or received personal information from a child under the age of 13 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information. If you believe we might have any personal information from or about a child under the age of 13, please contact us.


When you access or use the Services, we may collect information that identifies you (“Personal Information”), and we may also collect information that does not identify you (“Anonymous Information”). When Anonymous Information is, directly or indirectly, associated or combined with Personal Information, such Anonymous Information will be considered Personal Information for purposes of this Privacy Policy. In addition, to the extent Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses or similar identifiers or information are considered personally identifiable information by applicable law, we will treat such identifiers and information as Personal Information under this Privacy Policy. Information You Provide to Us. In general, you may visit the Website or download the Application without telling us who you are or sharing any Personal Information with us. When you register for an account for the Services (an “Account”), use other aspects of the Services, or communicate with us for customer service or technical support for the Services, we may ask you to provide certain Personal Information, such as your name, email address, postal zip code, mobile number, and account number. We may also ask you whether you want to receive text messages relating to the Services. By providing your mobile phone number, you expressly consent to receive text messages from us relating to the Services at that number. Third-party data and message fees may apply. You may decline to provide certain Personal Information to us (Opt Out), but, if you do so, certain features of the Services may not be available to you or the performance of certain features of the Services may be limited or not work at all. 

Information Collected from Devices. When you access or use the Services via a computer or mobile device, including, without limitation, a desktop computer, laptop, mobile phone, tablet, or other electronic device (each, a “Device”), we may collect information from your Device, such as your Device type and manufacturer, your Device operating system and version, your mobile carrier, your Device identifiers, your mobile phone number, your IP address, your browser type, your network connection type, information about the webpage that referred you to the Website or that you visited prior to the Website, and your behavior and activity on the Website and the Application. In addition, if you download the Application to your mobile Device, we may collect information from your mobile Device about your location while you are accessing or using the Application and while you are not accessing or using the Application. We may use this information to provide targeted offers to you and notify you of nearby third-party locations where you may use the Services. 

Information Collected by Cookies and Similar Tracking Technologies. When you access or use the Services, we may place small data files on your Device that assign random, unique numbers to your Device to enable us to recognize your Device when you use the Services. These data files may be cookies, pixel tags, other local shared objects, or similar technologies provided by your browser or associated applications (collectively, “Cookies”). We may use Cookies to recognize your Device, manage and store your settings and preferences for the Services, improve the Services, offer targeted products and services to you, and collect and analyze information about your access and use of the Services. The Cookies we use in connection with the Services may include the following:• Session Cookies: Session Cookies are temporary Cookies that expire and are automatically erased when you close your browser window. We may use session Cookies to grant you access to content and to enable actions that require you to be logged into your Account to perform.• Persistent Cookies: Persistent Cookies are Cookies that usually have an expiration date in the distant future and remain in your browser until they expire or you manually delete them. We may use persistent Cookies to better understand usage patterns so we can improve the Services. For example, we may use a persistent Cookie to associate you with your Account or to remember your choices for the Services.• Third-Party Cookies: We may permit certain third parties to place Cookies through the Services to provide us with insight about the use of the Services and user demographics. These third parties may use Cookies to collect information about your online activities over time and across different websites when you access or use the Services. For example, we may use Google Analytics to analyze usage patterns for the Website and the Application. Google Analytics may generate a Cookie to capture information about your access and use of the Website and the Application that Google may use to compile reports on activity for us and to provide other related services. Your web browser may automatically send certain information to Google, such as the web address of the page that you are visiting and your IP address. To opt out of Google Analytics in connection with the Services, visit the Google Analytics opt-out page and install the add-on for your browser. For more details on installing and uninstalling the add-on, please see the relevant help resources for your specific browser. We do not control third parties’ use of Cookies or similar tracking technologies. Such use is subject to the respective third parties’ privacy policies. By accessing or using the Services, you consent to the placement of Cookies on your Devices as described in this Privacy Policy. If you prefer not to receive Cookies through the Services, you may control how your browser responds to Cookies by adjusting the privacy and security settings of your web browser. Unless you set your browser settings to refuse all Cookies, our systems may issue Cookies when you access or use the Services. If you set your browser settings to refuse all Cookies, the performance of certain features of the Services may be limited or not work at all. In some of our email messages to you, we may use “click-through URLs” linked to content on the Website or the Application. We track click-through data to help us understand and analyze interest in topics and use of the Services. Do Not Track. Do Not Track (“DNT”) is an optional browser setting that allows you to express your preferences regarding tracking by advertisers and other third parties. We do not use technology that recognizes DNT signals from your web browser. 


We may use Anonymous Information as described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy and for research and commercial purposes, such as to improve the Services. We may use Personal Information for the purposes described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy and internally for our general commercial purposes, including, among other things, to:• provide the Services and notices related thereto;• analyze, improve and customize the Services;• provide customer and technical support for the Services;• send you announcements, newsletters, promotional materials, and other information about the Services and third-party products and services that we think may be of interest to you;• detect, prevent and investigate actual or suspected fraud, hacking, infringement, or• other misconduct involving the Services; and• comply with tax and other applicable laws. In the event you or WoWzer Rewards terminates your account, you agree that we may retain your data, including personal and transaction information, for one year from the date of termination for audit and merchant invoicing purposes.


We may share Anonymous Information with third parties as described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy and for our commercial purposes. We may share Anonymous Information or Personal Information with our corporate affiliates (e.g., parent company, sister companies, subsidiaries, joint ventures, or other companies under common control). We do not share Personal Information with third-party service providers, except as described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy and as follows:• if you request or authorize it;• to complete a transaction or provide a service requested by you;• to our Third-Party Service Providers that provide services to support the Services, such as data analysis, email delivery, hosting, infrastructure, network storage, customer service, technical support, and promotional services and who are bound by contractual obligations to keep Personal Information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it to them;• to comply with applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including but not limited to tax laws;• to comply with governmental and regulatory requests, court orders, and subpoenas;• to protect our rights, property, and safety and the rights, property, and safety of our users and others• to enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us, including the Terms of Service;• with merchants that you transact with that already have Personal Information about you for the purpose of verifying offer-qualifying transactions; and• if the disclosure is done as part of a purchase, transfer, or sale of services or assets (e.g., in the event that substantially all of our assets are acquired by another party, your Personal Information may be one of the transferred assets) or in the event of bankruptcy. When we disclose Personal Information for a business purpose, we enter into a contract that describes the purpose and requires the recipient to keep that Personal Information confidential and not use it for any purpose except performing that contract. In the preceding twelve (12) months, we have not sold Personal Information.


You may opt not to receive promotional emails from us by contacting us or by following the “unsubscribe” instructions in any promotional email you receive from us. Please note, however, that we may still send you non-promotional emails about your relationship with us.


The Services may allow you to connect and share your actions, comments, content, and information publicly or with friends. The Company is not responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any information you share publicly or with friends. In addition, the Services may allow you to connect with us on, share on, and use third-party websites, applications, and services. Please be mindful of your personal privacy needs and the privacy needs of others as you choose to connect and share information with friends and others. We cannot control the privacy or security of information you choose to make public or share with others. We also do not control the privacy practices of third parties. Please contact those websites and services directly if you want to learn about their privacy practices.


We have, and require our Third-Party Service Providers to have, administrative, technical, and physical safeguards in place in our respective physical facilities and in our respective computer systems, databases, and communications networks that are reasonably designed to protect information contained within such systems from loss, misuse, and alteration. The measures we use may include storing Personal Information on secured servers, transmitting Personal Information using encryption technologies, and auditing and reviewing our data collection and storage practices. Our contracts with these third parties require them to have administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the security and confidentiality of your information. No method of electronic transmission or storage is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee absolute security of your Personal Information. You also play a role in protecting your Personal Information. Please safeguard your username and password for your Account and do not share them with others. If we receive instructions using your Account log-in information, we will consider that you have authorized the instructions. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your Account or any other breach of security related to the Services. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to refuse to provide the Services, terminate your Account, and to remove or edit content.


Subject to applicable law, which might, from time to time, oblige us to store your Personal Information for a certain period of time, we will respect your wishes to correct inaccurate information. Otherwise, we will retain Personal Information for the period of time necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, unless a longer retention period is required by applicable law. You may change your Account information at any time by updating your Account profile via the Website or the Application.

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (the “CCPA”), and subject to exceptions, California residents have certain rights regarding their data, including: The right to know the categories of Personal Information (as later defined) we’ve collected and the categories of sources from which we got the information (see TYPES OF INFORMATION WE COLLECT AND HOW WE COLLECT IT and below); The right to know the business purposes for sharing Personal Information (see TYPES OF INFORMATION WE COLLECT AND HOW WE COLLECT IT and below); The right to know the categories of third parties with whom we’ve shared Personal Information (see HOW WE SHARE INFORMATION); The right to access the specific pieces of Personal Information we’ve collected and the right to delete your information; andThe right to opt out of having your personal information sold. WoWzer does not sell or rent Personal Information to third parties, as we understand that term to be defined by the CCPA and its implementing regulations. We collect information that identifies, relates to, describes, references, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or device (“Personal Information”). In particular, we have collected the following categories of Personal Information from or about consumers within the last twelve (12) months:

A real name, alias, postal zip code, unique personal identifier, online identifier, IP address, email address, account name, or other similar identifiers.

Products or services purchased, obtained or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.

Information on a consumer’s interaction with a website or app.

Physical location data. We obtain Personal Information directly from you, indirectly from you via third-party service providers that you agree WoWzer may receive such information from, and internet cookies/pixels.

We will not collect additional categories of Personal Information or use the Personal Information we collected for materially different, unrelated, or incompatible purposes without providing you with notice and obtaining your explicit consent. California residents may exercise your right to know or your right to deletion by emailing us at or calling us at (480)977-8013. We may require you to verify your identity prior to accessing or deleting your information. You may also designate an authorized agent to make a request to know or a request to delete. We may deny a request from an authorized agent that does not submit proof of authorization. California residents have the right to not be discriminated against if they choose to exercise their privacy rights. California Law permits California residents to request certain information once per year regarding our disclosure of “personal information” (as that term is defined under applicable California law) to third parties for such third parties’ direct marketing purposes.

We will confirm receipt of a verifiable consumer request within ten (10) days of its receipt. We endeavor to respond to a verifiable consumer request within forty-five (45) days of its receipt. If we require more time, we will notify you of the extension and provide an explanation of the reason for the extension in writing, and we will provide you with a response no later than ninety (90) days of receipt of the request.


When you access or use the Services, you may be directed to other websites or applications that are beyond our control. We may also allow third-party websites or applications to link to the Services or use Cookies with the Services. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of any third parties or the content of linked websites and applications. We encourage you to read the applicable privacy policies and terms and conditions of such parties, websites, and applications. This Privacy Policy only applies to the Services provided by WoWzer Technologies.


We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time in our sole discretion, subject to applicable law. When we revise this Privacy Policy, we will post the revised version on the Website and the Application. The revised Privacy Policy will be effective upon posting on the Website and the Application, unless otherwise set forth therein or as otherwise required by applicable law. You are free to decide whether or not to accept a revised version of this Privacy Policy, but accepting this Privacy Policy, as revised, is required for you to continue accessing and using the Services. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy or any revised version of this Privacy Policy, your sole recourse is to terminate your access to and use of the Services. Except as otherwise expressly stated by us, your access to and use of the Services are subject to the version of this Privacy Policy in effect at the time of your access or use of the Services.


If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the Services, please contact us.